Washington Nonprofits Listens 2017

July 20, 2017

Executive Director Laura Pierce hits the road to hear what you need to succeed

Your mission matters. Your success matters. That is why Washington Nonprofits is kicking off our 2017-18 strategic planning with a tour of Washington— including online events— to create the space in which you can tell us what you need to succeed. What barriers are holding you back? What opportunities do you wish you could take advantage of? What is working — and not working— in your community when it comes to nonprofits and who they serve? What public policies are standing in your way?

We also want to know what you think about Washington Nonprofits, your nonprofit state association. What are the strengths and weaknesses of our organization? How can Washington Nonprofits better serve you? What should the focus be for our advocacy efforts?

We value your input and will use it, in combination with the input from other Listening Tour events, to set our strategic direction and our advocacy agenda.

Join Laura at one of these upcoming Listening Tour stops:

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