Nonprofit Association of Washington amplifies your voice on public policy issues affecting the nonprofit community. We advocate at the local, state, and federal levels for laws and policies that create a positive climate for all types of nonprofits, using stories and data to communicate the value of nonprofits to elected officials and other decision makers. We seek to improve partnerships between nonprofits, government, and communities at all levels.
Nonprofit Association of Washington tracks key legislation and rulemaking relating to nonprofits and elevates policy proposals that strengthen our sector. Our reports, fact sheets, action alerts, quarterly public policy calls, and other resources help keep you informed and engaged on topics important to you and your organization.
Advocacy Resources
Resources to help your organization get started with or expand your advocacy work.
Policy Agendas & Action Alerts
Learn more about Nonprofit Association of Washington’s public policy principles, current legislative agenda, and how you can take action on important issues.