Congress is finally serious about federal tax reform, and the ability of charitable nonprofits, houses of worship, and foundations to stay out of partisan politics is under attack. Please take three minutes today to call your U.S. Representative and deliver this simple message:
“Don’t use tax reform to weaken or repeal the Johnson Amendment, which keeps partisan politics out of Washington State’s nonprofits, houses of worship, and foundations. I am concerned that efforts to repeal or weaken the Johnson Amendment would harm my community and damage the public’s trust in my organization and many other Washington State nonprofits and churches. Thank you!”
How to Make the Call: Simply call the Capitol switchboard (202-225-3121) and ask for your Representative’s office. If you are unsure of who to contact, find your Representative here. Direct contact information for Washington State’s House delegation is also available here.
Once you’ve made your call, email us so we can track how many calls are made. Also, forward this action alert widely so we can amplify our message.
Do you have an extra minute or two minute to send a Tweet? Find your Representative’s Twitter Handle here and send this message (Be sure to start with a period before the Representative’s handle):

Thank you very much,
Laura Pierce
Executive Director
Washington Nonprofits