Strong nonprofits are vital to healthy communities. To stay strong, nonprofit leaders need opportunities to learn new skills and integrate new ideas into their daily practice. Those who teach nonprofit leaders need to be skilled instructors as much as content experts because nonprofits don’t have time or money to waste.
This is why Washington Nonprofits launched last November its “Train the Trainer” initiative. Inspired by the idea that every nonprofit learning experience in Washington should be excellent and action-focused, Washington Nonprofits Associate Director Nancy Bacon works closely with two local adult learning experts, Guila Muir and Tracy Flynn, to provide professional development on training and instructional design.
Since launching the initiative with a talk by Ulrich Boser, author of Learn Better, Washington Nonprofits has convened a cohort of trainers in a spring series on workshop design, as well as a recent workshop on curriculum design. A growing community of consultants, in-house trainers, and program staff who also train are finding connections to each other and the resources they need to turn information into learning.
On February 26 and March 26, 2019, we will convene a second cohort of trainers of workshop presenters on how to deliver workshop that leads to action. Registration is now open, and space is limited!