Strategic Washington Nonprofits is excited to unveil our new strategic plan. In the plan, you will recognize our three core program areas—learning, advocacy, and collaboration, as well as our commitment to build a strong organization to better serve nonprofits in Washington.
Our plan was created using the SPiN process. We conducted stakeholder outreach via Laura’s Listening Tour last fall, and our board and staff were engaged in updating our mission, creating new vision and equity statements, and developing goals and objectives. As we recommend to others, we balanced our programmatic goals with goals that strengthen our organizational health. Our board will monitor our progress over the next three years and make mid-course corrections as needed. Interested in the details? Here is the complete plan that we will be using internally to guide our work.
In the current environment, nonprofits need to be adaptive and nimble, so our plan tries to balance specific, actionable goals with flexibility. We’re thinking of this plan as a compass rather than a roadmap since we recognize the terrain may change and we may need to reroute ourselves to reach our goal. We invite our nonprofit community to engage with us to help us achieve our mission of a strong, united nonprofit sector that is a valued partner in creating thriving communities across Washington.