Dear Nonprofit Colleagues,

Usually I use this space to share with you how NAWA is here for all nonprofits, but this month, I’m asking you to be here for us. We need you to invest in us — your state association – by becoming a member if you aren’t one already.

First, a big shout out to current NAWA members! Please consider checking our member directory to confirm that your membership is up to date — we know that our renewal appeals don’t always reach your inbox. Not yet a member? We warmly invite nonprofits and allies who believe in “small, committed groups of people changing the world” to join us today. Being a member of NAWA makes your organization stronger, and your dues and active involvement make our shared work possible. Thank you!

At the December Executive Director Coffee Hour, we reflected about the past year together. It’s been an unpredictable year. Even in our small sample of eleven nonprofits, it’s been the best of times and the worst of times. A few people spoke about experiencing rapid growth and scrambling to hire additional staff and build the organizational infrastructure and policies to keep up. Others shared that they are struggling to tread water due to financial challenges, fewer volunteers, or lingering pandemic-induced exhaustion. One person commented that things appear to be returning to a more usual mode on the surface with in-person events and programs, yet something doesn’t feel quite right. One thing we agreed on: it’s better to navigate the uncertainty and the changing weather of nonprofit leadership together, and to have the information and resources that NAWA provides to assist us.

The value of our network is at the heart of the Nonprofit Association of Washington. Please join or renew your membership now to support our continued work together.
