The federal government is currently making preparations for the constitutionally required 2020 Census. With nearly $14 billion in federal funds at stake for Washington State, Washington Nonprofits is calling on Congress to do what it takes to ensure an accurate count in 2020. Watch the video to learn why the census matters what you can do to help ensure an accurate count.
Our video doesn’t address another important aspect of the 2020 Census, failure to include questions about sexual orientation and gender identity. You can learn more about this issue here.
As of June 8, 2018, the U.S. Census Bureau has an active comment request in the Federal Register on its proposed data collection plan. This is an opportunity to weigh in on what information is collected (including the proposed citizenship question) and how it is collected (internet collection, in-person, etc…). Your organization can review the request and submit comments here before August 7, 2018.
If you are also feeling inspired by the video and want to send a message to Congress, here are two ways to take action. First, you can call congress to deliver this message:
Please support full funding for the 2020 U.S. Census and exclude the citizenship question. This will ensure our state’s communities receive their fair share of federal resources and that nonprofits can effectively serve their constituents.
Contact Information:
- Senator Maria Cantwell: (202) 224-3441
- Senator Patty Murray: (202) 224-2621
- Congressional Switchboard to be Directed to Your Representative: (202) 225-3121
We also developed a postcard template that you can fill out and send to Senator Maria Cantwell, Senator Patty Murray, and your Representative. To use the postcard template:
- Download the template here.
- Print the postcard onto cardstock OR print the postcard on regular paper and glue it to an index card or postcard.
- Find mailing address information for our Senators here.
- Find mailing address information for your Representative here.
- Affix postage and mail the postcard.
Our representatives in Congress need to hear from nonprofits so that the Census will be fully funded and the proposed citizenship question excluded. Our collective advocacy will help ensure an accurate count and ensure that Washington’s communities receive their fair share of federal resources.