
Stay up to date on the latest news from Nonprofit Association of Washington, including articles, updates, action alerts, and back copies of our monthly newsletter, The Connector. You can filter by topic using the tags below, or browse news items in chronological order. Sign up to receive The Connector directly so you never miss out on important information!
Letter from Lianna

Letter from Lianna

Are you ready to be bold?

A Compass to Guide Us

Strategic Washington Nonprofits is excited to unveil our new strategic plan. In the plan, you will recognize our three core program areas—learning, advocacy, and collaboration, as well as our ...
Expanding Our View of Leadership

Expanding Our View of Leadership

Over the past year, Washington Nonprofits has been working with a collaborative of capacity building organizations to improve access to quality leadership development opportunities for nonprofit ...
Connector August 2018

Connector August 2018

Read the August 2018 Connector here.                  
Member Spotlight: Volunteer Methow – Volunteer Innovation & the Elusive Generation Gap

Member Spotlight: Volunteer Methow – Volunteer Innovation & the Elusive Generation Gap

There’s got to be a way that we can do this on a smart phone, someone thought. “This” was the connection of community members with nonprofits needing help: specifically, the millennial ...

Northeast WA

Washington Nonprofits partners with WSU Extension Offices to provide support to nonprofits in Washington's northeast. FERRY & STEVENS   PEND OREILLE   Please visit our calendar for ...

Southeast WA

There are two main hubs of activity for nonprofits in southeast Washington: Pullman and Walla Walla. The Palouse Nonprofit Network provides a place for nonprofit leaders to come together over ...
New gambling rules… updated toolkit

New gambling rules… updated toolkit

Washington State Gambling Commission changed its fee structure in July 2018. This will impact nonprofits who apply for gambling licenses for raffles or other activities. When you get a new ...
August Public Policy Update

August Public Policy Update

The late summer shows no sign of slowing down on the public policy front. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries released its menu of overtime pay options for comments by ...
Comment on WA Overtime Pay Policy Options

Comment on WA Overtime Pay Policy Options

Washington State’s Department of Labor and Industries is currently engaged in rulemaking to update our state’s overtime pay exemption threshold. The likely effect of this process is that more ...
New Liquor, Cannabis, Gambling and Events Toolkit!

New Liquor, Cannabis, Gambling and Events Toolkit!

You are running an event in a community center and want to serve wine. Maybe you are planning a donor reception in a board member’s home and have champagne ready to pop open. Perhaps your local ...
Connector July 2018

Connector July 2018

Read the July 2018 Connector here.
Member Spotlight: Washington State CAP – The Beginning of Our Boldness

Member Spotlight: Washington State CAP – The Beginning of Our Boldness

Have you recently asked a policy maker for something that would make a positive difference in your community? The Washington State Community Action Partnership (WSCAP) did just that when they ...
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